Positively Parenting Series


Interactive and informative series for parents/caregivers of children and youth

Contact us to be added to the email interest list for the next series!

Positively Parenting Series is a free online workshop series for parent and caregivers . Learn positive parenting strategies, share ideas, connect with other parents, obtain up-to-date resources and tools, and gain new perspectives!

This group will be offered throughout the year. If you’d like be added to the the interest list for Parent Education or learn more about the workshops, you can contact us by:

Email at parented@alexhouse.net
Call 604-538-5060


1-1 Family Support

We work with parents and caregivers to help them reach their family’s individual and collective goals.

Family workers provide parent education, information, support and strategies to increase understanding of child & adolescent development, promote effective communication, address challenging behaviours and increase cooperation. Family workers can also help to create connections to available community resources and additional supports.

One-to-one Family Support is a free, confidential service for parents and caregivers with children and youth ages 0-13, and funded by the Ministry of Children and Family Development.

Self-referrals and community referrals are welcome. Hours of service are flexible and include evenings.

For more info & to make a referral, please email referrals@alexhouse.net or call 604-538-5060